2024 Event
Tech Solutions Theatre 2 (in Expo)
6:10 pm - 6:25 pm, Monday, September 23
Picus Security presents: From Vulnerabilities to Exposures: Why You Should Connect Your Islands of Information and How to Start

Abstract: Security leaders often face the challenge of managing various tools handling—vulnerability and attack surface management, pentesting, breach and attack simulation, and risk reporting. Each operates in a silo, creating disconnected islands of information. Join us for a session on how to bring these fragments together to gain a clear picture of your security risk - so you can prioritize. Discover why relying on a legacy vulnerability management program isn’t enough, how to connect the data across your tools, and how validating your exposures can focus your team on critical risk. Learn practical steps and the outcomes Exposure Management can offer to your organization. 

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Tim Garon
Director, Event Content and Strategy

InfoSec World
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